Collaborations in
Architecture and Engineering

Collaborations in Architecture and Engineering focuses on team-building and problem-solving between architects and engineers, providing an overview and foundation for interdisciplinary collaboration.

Co-authored with engineer Sinéad Mac Namara, the book shares guidelines about productive communication, engaging in interdisciplinary discussions, and establishing common goals and values. Throughout the book are many case study examples of architect and engineer collaborations––such as those between SANAA and Sasaki, Foster + Partners and Buro Happold, and Steven Holl and Guy Nordenson.
Authors: Clare Olsen and Sinéad Mac Namara

Publisher: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 1st edition in 2014, 2nd edition in 2022

Photo Credits: Cover image by Iwan Baan, 41 Cooper Square exterior photo by Sinéad Mac Namara